We have exceeded 3,000 followers in such a short time that I felt compelled to thank all of you profusely! I never expected this calling to be magnified so rapidly. I didn’t quite know what I was doing other than following the promptings of God. I told myself that I would always pray about who to help, where to go, who to reach out to, and literally every decision I took to Him.
I know I have many secular focused followers and please do not feel left out. I fully respect the validation science offers the Pro-Life cause. I believe that faith and science go perfectly together, hand in hand, and for those who utilize them properly, they can do great things with either. I appreciate and value all of you no matter where you stand. I will continue to utilize science based arguments while still thanking my Father in Heaven for the many miracles I get to witness in this work. Every woman or teenage girl I get to help, each child in the womb saved, and every post-abortive mother who needs to find peace after trauma, I am grateful.