Thank you for over 3k followers!

We have exceeded 3,000 followers in such a short time that I felt compelled to thank all of you profusely! I never expected this calling to be magnified so rapidly. I didn’t quite know what I was doing other than following the promptings of God. I told myself that I would always pray about who to help, where to go, who to reach out to, and literally every decision I took to Him.

I know I have many secular focused followers and please do not feel left out. I fully respect the validation science offers the Pro-Life cause. I believe that faith and science go perfectly together, hand in hand, and for those who utilize them properly, they can do great things with either. I appreciate and value all of you no matter where you stand. I will continue to utilize science based arguments while still thanking my Father in Heaven for the many miracles I get to witness in this work. Every woman or teenage girl I get to help, each child in the womb saved, and every post-abortive mother who needs to find peace after trauma, I am grateful.

My goal is to bring some unity to this cause. I fight for equality not just for those who are born, but also the unborn. I hope to raise my children in a world where we do not discriminate children based upon race, gender, disability, or way of conception. I want to work with all pro-life activists no matter where they stand in their religious beliefs. I know that we are all equal and this includes those growing in the womb. I do not believe our value changes because of our age. Conception to natural death, we are all equally valuable.

Having four children is an immense blessing. Having three of them urged to be aborted by different doctors, even though painful, was also a blessing in it’s own way. I gained so much from those experiences and an unshakable testimony of the sanctity of life. Three children were targeted and exploited for abortion for reasons beyond their control. They were and still are innocent human beings.

For those of you who are new to my page I will give a brief summary about why my children were targeted to be killed. My eldest, a daughter, was conceived in rape. I was atheist pro-choice at that time in my life. I was 19 and had already endured a fair amount of hardships growing up. I was already broken before being raped(again). I was suicidal from the occurrence and was simply trying to find the most thorough way to do it. I didn’t know I had PTSD. It wasn’t until the doctor presented me with abortion that I considered choosing life as a possibility after conceiving that way. Yet, I did choose life. She brought me hope and healing.

After meeting my husband, shortly after my baptism, we conceived our first son, while I had a Mirena IUD places, and at that point I did not want any more children. Still, I found acceptance with it quickly because I loved my husband, my daughter, and I felt I could love one more. I had hyperemesis graviderum which is the extreme version of morning sickness. It included regular IV placements, medications, and overall it took a lot out of me. I had to stop working at my amazing job. I was rapidly climbing in the corporation I worked for, but I knew I had to sacrifice my career so our little one could grow strong. I needed bed rest and light activity. At roughly 14 weeks or so, I went septic. I went to the emergency room as our child wasn’t viable at that gestation.They assumed our son had died and urged that we must have an abortion, or to have a D&C abortion, along with antibiotics, hospital admission for fluids, and close monitoring. Again, later they urged it as I went septic many times saying my body must know something isn’t right with the baby. I am grateful I insisted on an ultrasound first. He was alive and moving a lot! To greatly shorten this part of my story, our son was never to blame for my many episodes of sepsis. I switched to a new provider who quickly found dozens of gall stones which was causing acute pancreatitis. I stayed pregnant as long as I could tolerate and induced at or around 35 weeks.

Many of you already know our son Gideon’s story but for those that don’t he was given 0% chance of survival. The maternal fetal medicine doctor pushed for his death at about 24 weeks. I adamantly refused and was blessed that my primary OBGYN never even considered it. My husband and I held firm. Then, our son came on his own at about 27 weeks gestation. He had a major surgery right after birth along with countless complications after. He was also on life support which we were advised by a resident to remove him from saying he was suffering greatly and would never have a good quality of life. Our son has been hospitalized over a year of his life if you were to condense it all together. He has had 13 surgeries and went to the world renowned Mayo Clinic in Minnesota with the help of his primary doctor. So, because of them, he is alive and well at age 3 1/2!

Luckily, by the time my fourth came around I knew my calling was to speak out for life. It has emerged into more than just a hobby. This has become our entire life. We, as a family, travel the country together helping in any way we can to further this mission. 95% of what I do is empowering women and girls to choose life. I work directly with my wonderful Pro-Life friends around the nation to do whatever we can for these families who just need that extra love and reassurance that they CAN do this.

This went way too long. I will just say this, I am grateful beyond words that I have the opportunity to do this work. I almost laugh when I think of the person I was growing up and how I am now. I was scared like many of the women I help, I am not perfect. I acknowledge everyone’s journey is their own and they all must learn from their own trials. However, if sharing my life story with the world helps just one girl choose life, if it saves one child, if it gives hope to one rape survivor, if it keeps just one family from falling apart, it is worth it. I get ample hate mail, comments advocating for the rape of my children, my own family believing I am harming women’s rights, and once in a while it does get tough. Yet, each time that has happened I have also saw a miracle with a woman I got to help.

Thank you for those who read this novel of a post. Welcome new followers. Thank you to those who have been here since day 1. Thank you to the women who reached out for help. Thank you to those who put others who were in a difficult situation in my path for me to find aid for their family. It’s truly blessing me to serve them! Thank you to all. I love you so much. You all make this scary sharing our lives part of our journey worth it!

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