The pregnant 11 year old…

If one more person tries to bring up the 11 year old who’s pregnant and use her and her child for their abortion supporting agenda I will lose my mind!

I’m grateful I didn’t conceive in rape at 12 years old when a friend’s much older brother forcibly took my virginity. What I needed then, counseling, support, love, reassurance it wasn’t my fault, my mother to call the police, and anything other than what actually happened.

Rape culture is real, especially in low income communities. Many of my friends have been raped once or many times. Sadly, many didn’t even know it because it was so normal. Normal for guys to intentionally get a girl drunk beyond comprehension and take advantage of them while sleeping or unaware. Normal to push past simple kissing when the girl says, “no more”, and then count it as a notch on their belt while telling others she was easy. It was very normal for boys at my high school and middle school to distract from their habitual rapist ways by immediately spreading the rumor that is was consensual leaving the girl to feel like no one will listen.

Many of you don’t know this, but my biological father and grandfather are both convicted child molesters. I helped them go to prison when I was in the fourth grade or so. My step sister believed she was “married” to them. It was sad and tragic. Her mother forced her to write an apology after he was convicted for “lying”. She was around 8 years old. She needed support after trauma. The world didn’t give that to her and that needs to change!

When I was in preschool at La Petite academy in Orlando, FL, I was molested by a high school boy during a big brother big sister type of program. His family was wealthy and he never got in trouble. The preschool kicked me out. My mom didn’t have the money to pursue it. I never received justice. What would’ve helped? Services, counseling, and someone to validate what happened while giving coping techniques.

Why did I tell you all of these above? Why would I expose my life and make myself vulnerable? I’m trying to convey a few things. One, I’m not naive to how the world works for those who are in difficult situations and are sexually assaulted. Two, I conceived a child in rape so I know exactly what it is like to be scared and pregnant after rape. Three, I did not get pregnant when I was raped at 12, but if I did, I know for certain I would not have aborted. I was saving kittens in allies, rescuing little injured birds, and my heart was tender. I would’ve fought an abortion because I wasn’t corrupted by society at that point. I was innocent and innocent children can’t stand the thought of killing another innocent.

Lastly, I want to address one more thing. This girl will be 11 this year. Many of the abortion supporters who follow my page send messages or comment that they hope my daughters are raped and forced to deliver. This girl wouldn’t dare think abortion is acceptable if it happened. She would NEVER harm another person. She can’t even kill a spider because it’s alive. You are assuming every young girl who gets pregnant would want the death of their child, yet I would argue the opposite is more likely. Some say they’re too small to be pregnant. It’s simply not true. Girls all over be world are giving birth to children at 11,12,13,14 years of age. My husband served a mission in Brazil. He said he’s met MANY young girls who were pregnant. It was normal in their culture as it is in many places around the world. Does it mean it is okay? No! What it means is that saying abortion is necessary or they’ll die is a lie.

Sorry for the extremely LONG rant. Simply put, rape doesn’t make abortion acceptable. Wishing rape on my children is disgusting. You need mental health care. I know what it is like to be in these scenarios and none of these situations justify killing another person. Humanity of children in the womb is my biggest message. They’re not less than human because of their age. A woman and a child have equal rights to live. One’s life is not more important than the other. Someone’s choice is not more important than another person’s life. We need to make huge changes for women to have the resources they need while pregnant and after birth. But again, no situation makes abortion the right “choice”.

One thought on “The pregnant 11 year old…

  1. You are amazing. Your blogs are hard to read but oh, so necessary for we who have never experienced such adversity. Keep doing the brave and courageous. Love to you and yours.

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