The moment I became Pro-Life

When did you know that you were Pro-Life and actually had a testimony of it? I don’t mean just those who were raised to believe it, but the literal moment you realized it. The moment you felt it deep inside that life was worth fighting for!

For me, it was when my rapist showed up after learning of the pregnancy. He initially told police I was lying and there was no sexual encounter. He said someone else must have left me in the critical state I was in. He had a friend who gave him an alibi. I often wondered what he could’ve had on him that he would’ve been willing to lie.

Back to the moment I knew…he attempted to end my pregnancy by force. While I was on the ground being choked, I felt myself starting to drift away. Just before going unconscious, I prayed for the first time in my life. In my mind I said,”God, if you are real, please save me and my baby. I promise I will try to find you.” Just before passing out I felt a very strong kick. Then, it all went black.

When I awoke, disoriented at first, I suddenly had everything that had happened hit me like a ton of bricks. I sobbed forever it seemed. I knew that I had a living and very real human being growing inside of me. I knew that if I had an abortion, I would have been punishing this little person for the actions of a monster. I felt the power of this life inside of me deep in my soul. I couldn’t pretend that I had a clump of lifeless cells inside of me.

I never again doubted the humanity of children in the womb. Since, I’ve had three children of my own urged to be aborted. Because of my first, I firmly and adamantly declined knowing that there isn’t a reason good enough to harm a child. All of them are miracles in their own ways. Each of them is very loved, smart, and kind.

In the case of conceiving in rape, my choice was taken when it came to consenting to the act that impregnated me. My body after, was NOT more important than the body growing within me. My right to “choice” after didn’t supersede the humanity of my daughter.

Yes, I did choose life, but no one should be offered the choice to kill their child. Just as no one should be given the choice to kill their husband, mother, father, siblings, and the guy next door. Will people still kill even when they’re not given the legal choice to do so? Yes. Does that mean we should legalize ending the lives of others? No!

My daughter brought me peace and healing. Every child deserves the protection of the law. Every rapist should be held accountable for their actions. Punishing a child is pointless and only adding further violence to an already terrible situation.

If you have been raped and you are seeing this, and need help, message me! Call me! I will help you get services in your area. We will get the community to help you get counseling, therapies, assistance, and I will do my hardest to get that person in prison! If you become pregnant, please let me help. I know so many people who will empower you.

Abortion doesn’t help women in any way! It only harms them and takes a life. We can do better for you. Don’t be just another number for Planned Parenthood. If you abort after rape you’ll be four times more likely to commit suicide. You’ll have another mess of emotions to cope with and a post partum body that will have a yo-yo of hormonal changes.

Lastly, please look at these photos of my daughter. Take the time to see that she is very much a person like anyone else. She didn’t come here in the most conventional way but she is the most tender and kind human I’ve ever known. She brings joy to all. Her life matters. We need laws to protect those just like her. Don’t be prolife with exceptions. Exceptions target and exploit people groups. It sends a clear message that society doesn’t welcome those who fall within the exceptions of the law. They deserve better, we all do.

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