The Mass Killing in the USA

Being a pro-life speaker and advocate is more than just a “gig”. This is our life! The hotels, the traveling, the people we meet along the way, it’s a beautiful thing. Our children mean the world to us. They’re beyond amazing! I can not imagine a life without them.

For those considering abortion for whatever reason, I promise you’ll love your child too! I never saw myself being a mother of four children. This wasn’t what I dreamed about growing up. However, they became my dream come true and continue to be. I promise you’ll look at your child and see your dreams change for the better too!

Abortion is a difficult word for many to say. There is a stigma around it that no one wants to address. People don’t want contention. Society has led us to believe we all must be politically correct otherwise you’re a hateful racist sexist bigot. I can’t convince someone who thinks that way of anything else so I don’t bother defending myself. I express my beliefs and move on. Maybe it’ll help them and maybe it won’t but I won’t sit quietly when violence is occurring everywhere around us.

There are mass killings happening right now! Today! Not just with the recent shootings, but in a huge variety of ways. We are killing so many not just with abortion or guns but in many ways! I believe wholeheartedly that when we dehumanize our vulnerable people groups, society becomes warped and more violence occurs. When we don’t value human life at all stages of life we spread the message that some people aren’t worthy of life.

How else do we desensitize the people of today? Medical suicide, violent video games, graphic movies, nearly porn magazines, lusty books & articles, erotic television, and of course there is always the internet. Women are devalued and dehumanized through pornography, they’re treated as sex objects. Elderly are treated as burdensome and worthless with medical suicide. Erotic anything shows that the body is more significant than the person. Violent bloody games and cinema remove the shock value of death to all who watch.

Abortion is legal, but it isn’t moral. Abortion is a choice, changing the law doesn’t remove someone’s choice. Changing the law says to society that we value people from conception to natural death. A person’s humanity supersedes anyone’s choice. Yet, you still have the choice to kill your neighbor, a spouse, a friend. The law saying it is illegal makes a very clear statement that it is immoral. Your choice was never taken away. We all have choices. The law simply says it is wrong.

Do I believe in criminalizing women who’ve had an abortion? No, but I do believe in prosecuting any medical personnel who provide them when it is made illegal. Women have been deceived for far too long. We need to teach society a different way. They’ve been brainwashed since Roe with tactful plans to get to where we are today. The rape exception was never about the women who’ve been raped. It was to normalize abortion. They exploited women like myself whoever endured trauma and attacked their children as some sort of atrocity that is inherently evil. Why do you think we now have full term tax payer funded abortions throughout the nation?


Women deserve better. We deserve better. Our future deserves better!

That is why I won’t ever stop doing this. I’m not afraid to share the raw honest details of our lives. Why? Because the journey was beautiful. Being someone who once was a prochoice atheist to someone who is spiritual and prolife wasn’t something that occurred overnight. The change of my heart started with saving one life. The beauty of that choice has unfolded in many spectacular ways. I couldn’t even begin to tell you all how many blessings I see when I look at these four children .

You always have a choice. So do I, and I choose to fight for what is right. My children’s future depends on it. So does the world’s!

-Heather Hobbs Pro-Life Speaker

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