Heather Hobbs is an Anti-Abortion Speaker, advocate for life, warrior against human trafficking, rape survivor, domestic violence activist, and mother of four children based in Texas. She focuses on the so-called “hard” cases as she was urged and pressured by medical doctors to abort three of her four children. She is available nationally and internationally for your events.
Heather Hobbs is a multi-faceted advocate for life and human rights. She is a powerful anti-abortion and anti-trafficking speaker, who is dedicated to making a difference in the world. She is based in Texas and has four children, whom she fiercely loves and protects. Despite being urged to abort three of her four children by medical doctors, Heather remains a passionate warrior for life and equality. Representing organizations like Save The 1, Find The Children, OUR Rescue, Live Action, and many more, she focuses on saving those who can’t save themselves.

Her views are that of a unified front within the Pro-life community. In her eyes, all people are equal, and she strongly opposes those who refuse to work with an organization simply because of a difference in beliefs. She hopes to bring people together from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Heather envisions a future where she can raise her children in a country that does not discriminate children in the womb based upon race, gender, disability, or way of conception. She is fighting for the equality for all people!

Heather is an active participant in rescue missions at America’s southern borders and works to stop human trafficking by detaining members of the cartel to prevent the flow of drugs and other harmful items into the country. She is a firm believer in the pro-life community and opposes those who refuse to work with organizations simply because of differences in beliefs. She works tirelessly to bring people from all walks of life and backgrounds together in a united front.

Hobbs, and Suzanne Guy in Atlanta, GA. lobbying for HB481 in it’s original form with no exceptions)
Heather also spends a great majority of her time empowering women and families. As a former victim of violence and rape, she teams up with domestic violence and human trafficking organizations to help women and their children escape violent situations. She believes that Pro-life work is needed from conception to natural death. She relies heavily on her friendships with various organizations all over the world to help these women choose life as well as getting aid for those suffering from post-abortive related traumas. Resources she often helps women get include but is not limited to, counseling, financial help, housing, food, adoptive resources, baby items, grief support, crisis situation assistance, and more. All of this aid comes from working with many groups or people in various movements.

Heather is a nationally and internationally published writer featured by various Pro-Life organizations such as; Live Action News, LifeSiteNews, Save The 1, Secular Pro-Life, Save The Storks, National Right to Life News, and many more. You can also find some of her quotes featured on news outlets such as CBS, NBC, and several others. She travels state to state to speak on behalf of Pro-Life bills and to speak against those that would harm children in the womb. She also speaks out against the wickedness she has witnessed at our borders.

In conclusion, Heather Hobbs is a remarkable woman who has overcome incredible obstacles to become a voice for the voiceless. She is a dedicated mother, a powerful speaker, and a tireless advocate for life and human rights. She aims to raise her children in a world where we do not discriminate based upon race, gender, disability, or way of conception. She continues to inspire and bring hope to those around her, and her work will continue to make a positive impact on the world for years to come so that her children, and yours, have the American dream so many before her have fought for!

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